
Oh, it has been cold outside!  Fortunately along with the -20 temperatures, we've also had beautiful layers of snow and frost.  By Sunday evening, there were high snowdrifts all along the roads, and cheerful fat gnome hats on top of small surfaces. I swear, it is also the sparkliest snow I've ever seen-glimmering and shimmering in the streetlights.  Truly magical (if you don't need to dig out a car. eeps).

Over the weekend I ended up seeing the movie Frozen, which is, well, rather delightful.  The characters are funny, and have a depth to their charming gawkiness.  The art design is lovely- I found myself imagining delicate arches and traceries of frost superimposed on the outside world for a couple of days afterwards. When my nose wasn't frozen.


Brittney Lee, one of the artists who worked on the movie, designs with paper cutouts- I love how this subtly affects the graphic character of the movie.

It was also funny to realize that one of my standby knit dresses for cold winter days is actually a pretty good inspiration for a 'Frozen' princess' dress! Nuts- you just can't see my princessy braids.  oh well.  If only I had her cute little boots with the decorative gilt inlay!

Brrrrr... Fortunately it's become a bit more bearable outdoors.  At least it will be a white christmas!
